2025 - 2026 Season Costs
Tracyton Soccer Club Select fees cover year-round training and game fields, two seasons (except for HS U16 - U19, these teams break for HS soccer), Washington Youth Soccer State Cup, league fees, referees, training shirts, insurance, field and training equipment, merchant fees, club fees and any other necessary costs for your player to practice and play with Tracyton Soccer Club.
This are 2024 Season cost we will post 2025 as soon as they are board approved
U9 | 2017 | $450 |
U10 | 2016 | $425 |
U11 - U12 | 2015 - 2014 | $550 |
U13 - U15 | 2013 - 2011 | $575 |
U16 - U19 | 2010 - 2007 | $525 |
Additional Player Discount and Family Maximum
Additional Player Discount:
$15 off per additional sibling registered***
Family Maximum:
Recreational Players only: $495
Select Players Only: $1,100
Recreational and Select Players: $1,100
Tracyton Select Players -- Fees/Payments
Tracyton SC is part of US Youth Soccer. Per US Youth rules, your player cannot be rostered to a team until your registration is complete. Registration is not complete until all player information has been received by TSC and all registration fees have been paid. Payment options are available! Only rostered players are allowed at Tracyton Select practices, games, scrimmages, or any other TSC events. If you choose to pay by check when registering, check payments must be made immediately following registration and can be mailed to:
TSC, PO Box 302, Tracyton, WA 98393
This is your club, which is in place to provide the game of soccer to those in the community who are interested. Once registered you become a member of Tracyton Soccer Club. Many of your bills are due prior to the start of the season (fields, t-shirts, jerseys, player equipment, field equipment, referees, scheduling fees, etc.).
Financial Aid applications have their own requirements (the scholarship fund is only available to those who have registered, submitted proof of eligibility, and paid their portion).
Questions? Need more information? Please contact the TSC Treasurer, Brynn Lile. Thank you.
*Select registration fee covers: year-round outdoor training fields, one or two seasons (league fee, game fields, and referees) WYS player card, training t-shirts , insurance, merchant fees, scheduling fees, and club fees**
**Club fees: events, buildings, administration, operational, coaches' development, referee training, player and field equipment
***First registered player is full amount and each additional player receives a $15.00 additional player discount until the family max